
Using this as our end goal enables us deliver masters level education to our ACP team, and using the
curriculum written by The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) write a clear, structured education curriculum which runs every month as part of a regional study day with colleges from outside our trust attending. We also provide 1.5 whole time equivalent clinical educators within DREEAM who teach, design curriculums and support the department with educational delivery. This comprises of medical student attachments to the department and supporting their university curriculum, local education  delivery to all members of the multi-professional team and ACP training with the University of Nottingham and our own ED-ACP trainees. Audit and research are important areas to ED in NUH and the ACP service are hugely involved in them, with over 50% of all audits in the department being completed by the ACP team. Our team also has several members who are GCP trained.

Internet Links


An Introduction to Advanced Clinical Practice

Apprenticeships in Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP)



ACP Junior Study Day

Lecture Notes 

Please see link to a multimedia pdf document. Link teaching sessions from the ED.